Displaying 3D Polygon Animations
An application-programming interface (API) is a set of
programming instructions and standards for accessing a Web-based software
application or Web tool. A software company releases its API to the public so
that other software developers can design products that are powered by its
An API is a software-to-software interface, not a user
interface. With APIs, applications talk to each other without any user
knowledge or intervention. When you buy movie tickets online and enter your
credit card information, the movie ticket Web site uses an API to send your
credit card information to a remote application that verifies whether your
information is correct. Once payment is confirmed, the remote application sends
a response back to the movie ticket Web site saying it's OK to issue the
Direct 3D
Microsoft Direct3D is a low-level graphics application
programming interface (API) that enables you to manipulate visual models of
3-dimensional objects and take advantage of hardware acceleration, such as
video graphics cards.
Originally developed by Silicon Graphics in the early '90s,
OpenGL® has become the most widely-used open graphics standard in the world..
NVIDIA supports OpenGL and a complete set of OpenGL extensions, designed to
give you maximum performance on our GPUs.
Graphics Pipeline
In 3D graphics rendering, the stages required to transform a
three-dimensional image into a two-dimensional screen. The stages are responsible
for processing information initially provided just as properties at the end
points (vertices) or control points of the geometric primitives used to
describe what is to be rendered. The typical primitives in 3D graphics are
lines and triangles. The type of properties provided per vertex include x-y-z
coordinates, RGB values, translucency, texture, reflectivity and other
Per-vertex lighting and shading
The basic process is similar to dynamic environment mapping
or cube mapping. Our proposed method is superior to those in that the accurate
ray direction is reflected in the resulted image at every vertex on the mesh.
Existing real-time techniques suffer from the differences between the viewpoint
for the environment map and each reflection point. The proposed method
minimizes this by finding an optimal viewpoint for the reflective or refractive
mesh. With a sufficient number of vertices and map image resolutions, the users
can render reflected images as accurate as ray tracing for all practical
purposes, except for reflected objects around ray converging points of
reflection on concave surfaces or refraction through convex lenses.
Any procedure which identifies that portion of a picture
which is either inside or outside a region is referred to as a clipping
algorithm or clipping. The region against which an object is to be clipped is
called clipping window.
Projection Transformation
Projections transform three dimensional eye coordinates into
points in three dimensional clip coordinates. Three dimensional object
coordinates are projected onto the projection plane Which Determines how objects
are projected onto the screen. The projection matrix also defines the viewing volume,
the viewing volume determines which objects or parts of objects are projected
onto the screen. The viewing volume is an six-sided enclosure defined by clipping
planes, Primitives outside the viewing volume are not displayed.
Viewport Transformation
Conceptually, a viewport is a 2-D rectangle into which a
three-dimensional scene is projected. In Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile, the
rectangle exists as coordinates within a Direct3D Mobile surface that the
system uses as a rendering target. The projection transformation converts
vertices into the coordinate system used for the viewport.
To prepare a page for display or printing. Rasterisation is
performed by a raster image processor (RIP), which turns text and images into
the matrix of pixels (bitmap) that will be displayed on screen or printed on
the page. Various conversions may take place. For example, the mathematical
coordinates of vector and outline fonts as well as vector drawings must be
converted into bitmaps. Existing bitmaps may have to be scaled into
different-sized bitmaps.
Fragment Shading
A Fragment Shader is a user-supplied program that, when
executed, will process a Fragment from the rasterization process into a set of
colors and a single depth value.
The fragment shader is the OpenGL pipeline stage after a
primitive is rasterized. For each sample of the pixels covered by a primitive,
a "fragment" is generated. Each fragment has a Window Space position,
a few other values, and it contains all of the interpolated per-vertex output
values from the last Vertex Processing stage.
When the complete pixels have been coloured they are then able to be shown on an electronic device or computer monitor.
API - http://money.howstuffworks.com/business-communications/how-to-leverage-an-api-for-conferencing1.htm
OpenGL - https://developer.nvidia.com/opengl
Graphics Pipeline - http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/43933/graphics-pipeline
Per-vertex lighting and shading - http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Projection Transformation - http://www.movesinstitute.org/~mcdowell/mv4202/notes/lect7.pdf
Viewport Transformation - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa915188.aspx
Rasterisation - http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/50198/rasterize
Fragment Shading - http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Fragment_Shader
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